Monday, August 27, 2007

is it a JOB or MINISTRY? pt.1

Easter 2007 I resigned from my full-time ministry position. Honestly, this was one of the hardest decision that I have ever made but I knew that it was the right move not just because it was the healthiest move for my family but it was definitely a God move. So the following week I found myself in position that I hadn't been in a long time...JOBLESS! Reality slapped me in the face...jobless, no income, a baby on the way, my wife on bed rest, and somewhat directionless.

I knew that God was for us and that He had our situation already worked out but when you are literally living one day at a time it's hard to remember that our destiny is already written. The one thing I was sure of was that I didn't want to walk into something because of fear or pressure. Whether a secular job or a ministry position I wanted to know that God Himself moved mountains to put me there and if I didn't see and sense that in my spirit I didn't want any part of it. Sounds impressive and strong but try telling that to a eight month first time mommy. SHE GIVE ME THE LOOK! Guys you know what I am talking about...the LOOK!

Although this was a very crazy time in our lives I knew that God was going to show up in a BIG way. After my son was born once again reality slapped me again. Not only did I have to provide for my wife but now we had a baby that was depending on us. Daddy mode went into over drive. I started to freak had been one month with no job which means no income. But every time we had a bill it was paid, not once were we late on our house payment, we never missed a meal not even my dogs. God is so good and faithful.

During the months of June and July I was applying for different jobs and speaking when I got the opportunity. Honestly, I was getting frustrated and a little depress. I knew that God was in control but when every door that you try to open gets slammed in your face you begin to question anything.

Now it's the middle of July. I was searching the Internet for jobs at this point I was willing to do anything...well almost anything. I saw that Buckle at a mall near us was hiring. It looked great and promising so I got up dress and drove to the mall. This certain mall was familiar to me because five years before I worked there as a security officer. Anyway I met the manager had a great interview he wanted to hire me but he couldn't promise me the pay I needed and the hours I needed. I walked away a little disappointed but I knew God was doing something. After I left Buckles I went to visit a friend from my security days at the mall. I started to share my situation with my friend she looked at me and told me that American Girl was hiring for security. I had know idea who in the world American Girl was all I knew it sounded girly so I wasn't really interested. After I found out it was a doll company I really didn't want to work there, but my friend encouraged me to check it out. So I started to walk to the store space where they were hiring people but I bumped into another friend that worked on the maintenance staff. He asked me what I was up to, I told him that I was looking for a job. Suddenly he screams out "you got to work at American Girl". I told me that he would take to me to the manager so I jumped into his golf cart and we headed to the American Girl store.


So my friend introduce me to the manager. Let me put it in the simplest way I can say it...3 months my way...1 hour God's way. In one hour I got a job that I was not looking for but God knew that I needed. My new employer gave me the pay that I asked for, they gave me the days I wanted to work, and they worked with my schedule so I could teach at a Christian school during the morning. In one hour I went from jobless to gainfully employed. The question now is was this just a job or something more?

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