Monday, September 3, 2007


Webster dictionary defines TRANSITION as; 1 a : passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another : b : a movement, development, or evolution from one form, stage, or style to another.

So transition sounds like it's a great thing. Then why do we sometimes...okay most of the time label transitional times in our lives as seasons of hardship and frustration or a waste of time? The reason I ask this question is because lately it's felt like my life as been in a state of constant transition. We do everything in our ability to avoid transitional seasons?The reality is transition has to happen for us to move forward to our God ordained destiny.

It up to us if we are going to allow the season of transition that you and I are in to be a time of frustration, stress, and depression or a time of discovery, renewal, and joy.

Just a thought I had to get out of my head.

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