Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Eve Mind Dump

2007 has been filled with many interesting moments for the Trevino family. Check out the list of some of the high lights of our year.

        1. We found out that we were going to have a baby.
        2. God began to stir our hearts about church planting.
        3. We resigned from the church that we ministered to for 4 1/2 years.
        4. I was jobless for three months.
        5. I reached my highest weight.
        6. We had a baby boy in May.
        7. We became parents.
        8. We acquired a $15,000 hospital bill!
        9. I started to teach at a private school.
        10. I started to work at American Girl...AS SECURITY.
        11. I went to Las Vegas for a Pastor's conference.
        12. God took care of our $15,000 hospital joke! We serve an AMAZING GOD!!!
        13. We had our first Christmas with our little boy.
        14. Finally we had our first New Year with our little boy.

        As you can tell 2007 has been a roller coaster of events. There were many moments that I felt alone and directionless but in all this craziness I discovered the faithfulness of God. I learned that no matter how dark, lonely, scary, directionless I might feel is will always be for me. I learned that my refuge was in God and my strength can only come from my heavenly Father. I can't wait to see what's going to happen in 2008.

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