Friday, July 11, 2008

I am so HUNGRY

For the last several weeks the Lord has been speaking to me about seeking Him with ALL my heart. It sounds pretty simple but have you ever try to seek Jesus with ALL your heart. As a Pastor you would think that I am constantly seeking Him but the reality is that there are so many things fighting for my time, mind, and heart. My heart's desire is to have less of me and more of Jesus. Psalm 63:1-4 totally describes exactly how I feel.

1 O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.
2 I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory.
3 Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.
4 I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.

I am so hungry to see God move in my world. I started to read about the men and women in the Bible that were so desperate to see God move in their world. I realize that they all had ONE thing in common...PRAYER and/or FASTING. Every time God moved in a supernatural way it was because people hungered and thirst after Him. In other words they would relentlessly pursue Him with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength.

Well tonight myself and the amazing people at Dahlonega Assembly of God are going to relentlessly pursue God. In a couple of hours we are going to surrender our most valuable commodity, our TIME, and literally seek God ALL NIGHT. God has given us a huge vision for Dahlonega Georgia that before we can begin to move in His vision WE GOT TO SPEND TIME SEEKING HIM. So from 9pm Friday night to 7am Saturday morning we will be at our church praying for our church, families, community, schools and college, missionaries, nation, healings, marriages, and the list goes on. I believe that we are to see God move in our families, church, and community like never before.

Please join for us and with us as we Hunger and Thirst after God tonight.

1 comment:

chadwick said...

Friday night was awesome!!! The amount of people that came out was amazing what unity!!
Pastor Gabe your AWESOME!!! We are such a BLESSED church, thank you Lord!!!
I prayed during the prayer service for the ability to be able to continue to step out of my comfort zone to reach out to those that are in need!! On several occassions I run into people at my office that are upset, they are just crying out for someone to pray with them and witness to them. Today, I stepped out and spoke with a lady that is going through a hard time right now with finances, I told her that there is a God that is bigger than any of her problems and can take care of any of her needs if she will just trust in him!! I prayed with her and told her that she now has someone that will be uplifting her everyday!! I just thank the Lord, for being able to have the opportunity to share him with others!!! Thank you Lord!! You are amazing!!!!