Thursday, September 18, 2008

thanks for the prayers

I just wanted to thank you for the prayers and calls regarding Josiah. He is doing so much better. DAG you guys are amazing! Believe me when I say that you prayers helped our son and us. This was our first time taking him to the hospital since his birth. So as you can image we were a little overwhelmed. Below is a post that I wrote during the time Josiah was really sick but never had a chance to post it.

The last couple of days have been crazy. A couple of nights ago we had to take our son to the ER at the Children's Hospital in Atlanta. His temp was at 104 and was not coming down at all even after we gave him medicine. They checked out his ears and throat, they found a little redness in his throat but they couldn't determined why he had a high fever. At the end they basically told us that it was a viral infection. We were a little frustrated with the hospital. We felt like we didn't get the attention our son needed. In fact we were discharged and on our way out the room when the nurse came back because they "forgot" to take my son's vitals. We basically paid the hospital to tell us to keep doing what we were already doing. I guess what I am saying is it would have been nice for the folks at the Children's Hospital to show a little more love, patience, and compassion.

Anyway after our long and frustrating night at the ER we finally got home around 1AM. After some medicine and some tossing and turning our little boy finally fell asleep. As you can imagine it was a long night with him. Around 9:30am his doctor called to check on him. We shared with them our experience we had at the ER we shared felt that they did really pin point the issue so they told us to come in so they could check him out. So here we go to the doctors again.

Just so ya'll know Josiah freaks out with anyone wearing a lab coat or scrubs. If your a parent you know the "freak out" cry...they mouth is wide out, nothings coming out, their face is turning red, and they stop breathing. It's kind of funny but it still breaks your heart to see your kid "freak out" like this.

Anyway the nurse comes in the room checks his ears and throat...she notices some redness in his throat and runs a quick test for strep. What do you know...Josiah has strep. So his doctor gave us a prescription for an antibiotic and we pray within the next couple of days he will feel a lot better.

Please keep our little boy in your thoughts and prayers.

Once again thank you for praying for Josiah. It's great to know that we have an amazing support system in place.

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