Tuesday, September 9, 2008


It's been a little hard to blog lately. Life has been interesting in the Trevino household. Even as I write this post I have a ton of things running through my mind. Everything from family issues, work issues, church issues, personal issues, I think ya'll get the idea. I GOT ISSUES!

Honestly...my first reaction to my "issues" is to separate myself from everyone and everything (including blogging) and to find a dark room to hide in. I call this the Elijah syndrome:). The reality is that I will always have "issues" so i can't hide in some dark room. Eventually my "issues" will invade my dark room so the question is how do I deal with my issues...I face them and walk right through them! I know what a simple concept but it's easier said then done.

This past Sunday as I was teaching I asked the question "is God in the desert?". People's responses were all over the board. I quickly realizes that my peps had some issues and they needed some direction. We looked at the Exodus story. I pointed out that every time the people would start to crying about their desert experience God would always remind them that He was with them. When they were hungry He feed them, when they were thirsty He gave them something to drink, when they were being attack, He protected them. When the Israelites faced their issues and walked through them (even when they whined about it) they learned about the faithfulness of God. I am so thankful that God thought this was an important event that He inspired man to write it down so that one day people with issues (like me) can read, examine, and take a closer look and learn how I can face my issues and walk through them.

Today I am reminded that blogging helps me face my issues. I guess it's therapeutic for me. As I blog about my issues I'm able to analyze them. I think far to often we miss out when ever we go through "stuff" and rush right through it so we can move on with life. Which is totally understandable but when we do this we miss critical life lessons that God wants us to face them so we can learn to walk through them with Him. I got issues and I'm okay with it!!!

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