Monday, October 20, 2008

Thoughts about GOLD RUSH

Wow what a crazy weekend. This past weekend Dahlonega hosted their most popular festival of the year Gold Rush Days. What's Gold Rush Days you ask...basically it's a two day festival celebrating the 1828 discovery of gold in Dahlonega Georgia. Historical Dahlonega is the official first site of the US gold rush. Just like any small town festival there are arts and crafts, kiddie rides, and of course a ton of food. Since 1979 Dahlonega Assembly has been selling our world famous funnel cakes at Gold Rush. Okay, maybe they're not world famous...yet but they are Gold Rush famous. Seriously we had people looking for us at Gold Rush because they had to have our funnel cakes. That's crazy!

This year was my first Gold Rush experience and I got to admit I am exhausted! My feet are killing me, my back is hurting, and I'm just physically tried but I had a blast!!! It was so much fun hanging out with our church family for two days. It was amazing seeing how our people rally together to make Gold Rush successful. I had a lot of people telling me it was going to be a lot of hard work and they weren't joking it was hard work but it was totally worth it. In the past the money raised at Gold Rush all went to foreign missions but this year along with global missions we are going to invest into our community (local outreaches and mission projects).

I am so proud of our folks at Dahlonega Assembly of God! DAGer's because of your faithfulness lives will be changed in our community and the world. I am so honored that I get to pastor such an amazing church. Thank you for serving with all of your heart ya'll are amazing!!! I can't wait until next year's Gold Rush!

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