Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A Divine Yes

Once again Bil Cornelius wrote an awesome post that I thought you had to read. I pray that you enjoy it.

“and He is the Divine Yes…” 2 Corinthians 1:19 NLT

Having a Divine Yes, an affirmation of what you are all about makes a “no” that much easier to give. Have you ever felt pulled in too many directions? The answer is not just saying no, but doing “no.” Doing no means that you say no and give it no more thought. If you say no to something other than God’s best but then are consumed with guilt, or worse the “drama” that follows from people who don’t get it, then even though you gave a “no” you are living the “yes,” which is a predisposition to please others rather than your highest calling which is devotion to God.
You cannot put your focus into making sure everyone understands you. Where your greatest passion lies…that deserves your highest attention, your most passionate pursuit without apology. Give your highest call your time and attention.

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