Tuesday, August 5, 2008


This past weekend I got a subscription to Powerpointsermons.com. I got to tell ya'll I have been totally impressed with these guys. If fact 24 hours after getting my one year subscription online a "real" person called me just to thank me for getting a subscription with them. On top of that he gave me a direct number to reach him just in case if I have any questions or have any trouble. Wow...that's customer service!

In the past I have bought slides from powerpointsermons.com one at a time. After being very satisfied with the graphics I decided to get a one year subscription. At first, I struggled about getting a subscription because of the cost. But the reality is its more cost effective to get a one year subscription than buying them one at a time. Another reason I decided to get a subscription was it saves me a ton of time. I currently work at night so I don't have a lot of time to create slides from scratch and I don't have people, at this time, that are graphic geniuses and can spend time doing this for me so this is a perfect alternative.

Being a bi-vocational Pastor I have to maximise my time. So I am constantly looking for ways to work smarter not harder. While at the same time raising the bar of excellence and never being satisfied with average. Even though my church would love to bring me on full-time they just can't do it right now. So if anyone has an extra $35-$40 thousand that they don't need let me know ASAP! With that said, I wanted to share with ya'll other resources that have been extremely useful to me and our church. Some are FREE while others you have to pay for but like I've discovered sometimes you're going to have to pay to get quality stuff so you can present the gospel in the most effective way. If you have any other resources that you think would be use to me PLEASE let me know. Thanks and I hope ya'll enjoy these resources!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to www.OpenResources.org.