Monday, February 23, 2009


I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to all of you who have made Faith Promises to our Missions program this year. Words can't express how grateful Tami and I feel. I realize that times are financially tough right now but thank you for DREAMING OUT LOUD with us!

Here is a quick look at how your FAITH PROMISE will impact the world forever.

Because of your faithful giving churches will have a MAPS team come and help team rebuild and finish long waited projects. Because of you faithful giving lives in Europe will hear the gospel and experience the compassion Christ. Because of your faithful giving middle and high school student will experience a 7 Project at there schools. Because of your faithful giving lives in Latin America will be changed. Because of your faithful giving college students in Columbus Georgia will grow in their faith. Because of your faithful giving children in Cambodia will hear the gospel for the first time. Because of your faithful giving children in India will find HOPE. Because of your faithful giving the LA Dream Center will be able to complete their building project so they could house 1600 more people. Because of your faithful giving Missionaries will be able to purchase the resources & vehicles they need to share the gospel around the world. Because of your faithful giving lives will be changed for all of eternity.

DAGer's thank you so much for investing into something that really matters...PEOPLE! I am so honored to Pastor a church that understands that since PEOPLE MATTER TO GOD THEY NEED TO MATTER TO US.

Now let me challenge us first, if you have not made a Faith Promise for 2009 jump on board this Wednesday or Sunday and make a commitment to missions. Second if you have made a commitment...KEEP IT. Every penny counts! Once again THANK YOU & LET'S KEEP DREAMING OUT LOUD TOGETHER!

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