Sunday, July 8, 2007


Since October 16, 2007 my life as been in a constant state of transitions. This is the day that we found out that we were going to have a baby. After seven years of waiting and trying this was the greatest news of our married life! But it seems like this was the catalyst that start a wave of transitions in our life. I understood that a baby was going to change our lives for ever...and now that he's here i really understand that but i just wasn't ready for all the transitions that were around the corner.
At the time I was in full-time ministry at a great church. i loved it! My wife and i were ministering to a bunch of amazing teenagers! For almost 5 years we poured our hearts into these amazing teenagers and children. It was so worth it!
In March 07 we began to sense that God was preparing us for a ministerial move. Honesty...i hate transition! I really hate transition...especially with a baby coming transition was the furthers thing from my mind. But God has a way of expanding our faith. So after serving our church for almost five years our last Sunday was on Easter Sunday. Leaving our church was hard but i knew it was time to leave and prepare for the new season that God was bring us into. Two weeks before i left our church i told the church that there will be a time in all of our lives where our faith would be put into action. So since Easter my faith in God and His Word has been in over drive.
I wish i could tell you that i was a rock and woke up every morning with this unshakable faith but i would totally be lying. i didn't have another ministry position lined up, i didn't even have another job lined up. i know what you're thinking..."what's this guys problem"! After spending some much needed time with my pregnant wife at the time fear and insecurity started to set in. I felt like a failure. I'm about to have a baby and i resigned my position what was i thinking. i felt like this for weeks.
But then on May 30th at 4:25pm my son came into our life. Something happened to me that day. Even through i still didn't have ministry position or a job when i saw my son for the first time all the fear and insecurity disappeared. I realized that this one person was depending on me and my wife to take care of him. That night i wrote in my journal that all I wanted to do was become the man that God has created me to be. In was in the state of transition that I realized that to become that man I would have to give up the familiar and secure to walk into my God ordained destiny. When I become God's man, I will become the husband my wife needs, I will become the father my son needs and someday I will become the pastor our church will need. So I guess TRANSITIONS aren't that bad. It has made me grow up, trust God, and expand my faith. God is always leading us into our destines and transitions are just pit stops where he refines us to walk into our destiny with confidence in Him.
Yesterday i read this in Psalm 27:13-14 "I am still confident of this: i will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD".
So no matter where God leads us I am confident I will see God's goodness through this season of transition.
the transition journey continues...

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