Friday, July 18, 2008

Finding your Happy Place!

Earlier this week while I was doing some yard work I discovered something...I found my HAPPY PLACE! I know how could working in the yard be a "happy place"...well, I love a manicured lawn. I love standing back when everything has been trimmed, edged, and cut and enjoying the fruits of my labor. Aside from enjoying the finish product the other thing that I love about yard work is the alone time.

Nobody wants to hang out with me when I mowing my lawn. Maybe it's because of the noise from the mower or the smell of gasoline or maybe it's my outdoor mowing the lawn sweating profusely odor...whatever it is I honestly don't mine the time alone. I have discovered that mowing the lawn is one of my HAPPY PLACES.

What's a happy place you's a place where no one bothers you, a private sanctuary, a place away from your computer and cell phone, a place where you can gather your thoughts together, a place where you have uninterrupted time with God, finally it's a place away from the craziness of life.

I believe that everyone NEEDS to have a "happy place." Oh my gosh, even Jesus had a "happy place"...don't believe me read Mark 1:35. If Jesus, the Son of God, had to find a happy place how much more do you and I need this special time and place. I discovered two things happen when we spend time in our "happy place"
  1. WE'RE REFRESHED. In Mark 1:32-34 we see Jesus doing some serious ministry. He's spending time with alot people, healing folks left & right and kicking some demon butt! I'm pretty sure He was physical exhausted at the end of the day. Jesus realized that the only way He was going to get REFRESHED was He had to go find His "happy place" and spent time with His DAD.
  2. WE'RE REALIGNED. In verse 36 we see the disciples are looking for Jesus and when they find Him the tell Him that everyone is looking for Him. I love Jesus' response, "38Jesus replied, "Let us go somewhere else—to the nearby villages—so I can preach there also. That is why I have come." I believe the time Jesus spent in His "happy place" realigned His priorities. I'm sure Jesus loved healing people but He made it very clear that He came to preach a life giving message.

So let me encourage you to do whatever it takes to find this "happy place" in your life. Whether it's mowing the lawn, in the shower (that's my second happy place), driving your car, in your bedroom, taking a walk, working out, taking a bath, riding your bike, siting at Starbucks, or going to Chili's and enjoying a huge cup of sweet tea with an order of chips and salsa:) where ever it may be make it a daily or weekly practice to go to that place and be REFRESHED AND REALIGNED!

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